Inserm Transfert, founded in 2000, is the private subsidiary of Inserm, specialized in life sciences technology transfer and collaborative research projects funding. It works under a Public Service Concession Agreement (CSP).
patent families*
number of contracts and licenses*
* For the year 2023
millions of euros invested in Proof of concept
projects detected*
Serving research
The company supports Inserm research units and researchers in the process undertaken to create value from their work. Its actions are part of the translational continuum, from basic and technological research to clinical development, with the aim of creating economic and societal value.
You are
M2care et Inserm Transfert annoncent la signature d’une alliance
Industrial Partnerships December 2024La contribution à la mise en place de la Cellule Europe Mutualisée
Industrial Partnerships October 2024Inserm Transfert et PULSALYS misent sur l'innovation et le collectif,
Institutional Partnerships September 2024Evotec, Inserm, Lille University Hospital and Inserm Transfert enter
Industrial Partnerships May 2024DeepLife and Inserm Transfert sign a research collaboration involving
Industrial Partnerships January 2024Le consortium CATRIEM, collectif de 24 membres de l'écosystème de
Institutional Partnerships February 2023Les 2 consortia COMS@N et COMBio, collectifs de respectivement 24 et
Institutional Partnerships February 2023Inserm Transfert announces the signature of a collaboration agreement
Industrial Partnerships November 2022Theranexus and Inserm Transfert sign a strategic alliance to identify
Industrial Partnerships October 2022PIK3CA-related overgrowth syndrome (PROS) Inserm Transfert announces
Industrial Partnerships May 2022Lys Therapeutics and Inserm Transfert sign a three-year agreement for
Industrial Partnerships March 2022Linkinvax and Inserm Transfert enter into an exclusive worldwide
Industrial Partnerships February 2022Le Canceropôle Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur et Inserm Transfert
Institutional Partnerships December 2020Le consortium PBS, conduit par l'incubateur Paris Biotech Santé,
Institutional Partnerships December 2020Launch of atlas : an ambitious collaborative public/private research
Industrial Partnerships September 2020Inserm Transfert accompagne 7 nouveaux projets européens de recherche
Collaborative projects March 2020Inserm Transfert at BioFIT 2019, Booth n°H20: Create value and
Industrial Partnerships December 2019Inserm Transfert et PULSALYS signent un accord de partenariat
Institutional Partnerships October 2019Human Health Startup Factory (HHSF) le consortium porté par Inserm
Industrial Partnerships January 2019