As a private subsidiary of Inserm, Inserm Transfert manages economic and societal value creation and the transfer of knowledge from Inserm research laboratories to companies contributing to promote human health innovation.
As such, it is responsible for Inserm’s second mission: « “contributing […] to value creation of the research results which it conducts or organises ».
(Decree no. 2009-278 of 11 March 2009 modifying decree no. 83-975 of 10 November 1983 on the organisation and operation of the French National Health and Medical Research institute).
Inserm transfert covers Inserm’s three value creation and innovation missions:
The company also includes specific assistance activities for researchers or clinicians on subjects related to clinical or translational research (cohort studies, public health, databases, etc.).
Inserm Transfert creates synergies by enabling meetings between researchers to understand the type and the potential of their work and, at the same time, by listening to companies in order to identify their strategies and requirements for innovation.
Inserm and Inserm Transfert are a global reference in terms of human health and life sciences innovation and in terms of best practices and technology transfer results. Particular emphasis is placed on medium- and long-term innovations with the very long development cycles that are inherent to biological treatments or to biomarkers, patient stratification methods and diagnostic tests.
Inserm Transfert :
The company promotes and facilitates access to the expertise, discoveries and know-how of Inserm’s fundamental research and clinical teams.
*French version