Protecting my results

Value creation and innovation have been at the heart of Inserm’s missions for over thirty years with a view towards international competitiveness and the visibility of its innovations on a worldwide scale.

Protecting my results

How can I protect my research and still publish and disseminate it?

Protection of all Inserm’s assets is essential to succeed in innovation transfer. This protection activity preserves the full potential of value creation by Inserm and by its researchers, at the same time ensuring their capacity for publication and scientific presentation. In particular, the protection by filing a patent application for an invention allows its owner to be granted a right to prohibit third parties from reproducing it for commercial purposes. In addition, Inserm Transfert also supports researchers and Inserm partners in structuring cohorts and biobanks. The company intervenes to secure them, in particular, access to patient data, biological samples and test results.
Image de Jérôme Galon

Researcher's words

Jérôme Galon, Research Director, Inserm U1138, Cordeliers Research Centre

« Inserm Transfert believed in our discoveries and took risks for many years with our patents, and I thank them for their vision and expertise. »

« Inserm Transfert's support has been fundamental and effective in the various aspects of the development process: [...] enhancing the patent portfolio, finding the right partners, then negotiating licensing contracts to defend these patents, while promoting the creation of the start-up and the HalioDx company. »

« I would like to thank Inserm Transfert for presenting me with the European Inventor Award in the Research category, which earned me this prestigious distinction in 2019. »

*French version

What are the different types of protection? Patents, materials, biobanks, databases, cohorts, software, knowhow, etc.

The protection philosophy developed by Inserm Transfert involves providing opportunity to a maximum number of innovative projects This may take the form of invention patents, intellectual property rights on databases, materials (including biological material), know-how or copyrights on software and in, some cases, trademarks. Inserm Transfert also supports Inserm researchers and partners in structuring cohorts and biobanks. The company is involved in making these secure, particularly access to patient data, biological samples and analytical results. In terms of industrial protection, Inserm Transfert submits a new patent as soon as the patentability criteria have been met. Our experts write the patent application with the researchers and submit it within an optimal timescale. An important milestone (Go/NO Go) was set up by Inserm Transfert from the time a patent is moved to national phases, the most expensive stage in the life of a patent, which occurs 30 months after the first patent submission. The priority of both Inserm and Inserm Transfert is to define the best long-term intellectual property strategy and to maintain the quality of the patent portfolio to the highest international standards. Inserm Transfert has trained teams over its twenty years of experience and, as of December 31, 2023, has a solid portfolio of 2 492patents families. Inserm Transfert’s management and intellectual property activities have been ISO 9001 certified since 2012.

Et vous, quel est
votre projet ?

Invention disclosure form


Intellectual property team of Inserm Transfert

Our team is available to support you to ensure the best protection of your innovations for research. Proximity, responsiveness and rigor are the key words of our expertise.


Inserm Transfert

Matthieu Collin

Une question ? Contactez-nous

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